Decision Time

Do I stick with my current plan to sail from the UK to Australia via Brazil and South Africa, or do I change to sail from South Africa to San Francisco via Australia, Singapore and China?

If I change, I would sail across the Southern Ocean and the Pacific Ocean…

…but I will be giving up the race start and the journey from the UK to Brazil.

It is decision time…

4 Replies to “Decision Time”

    1. I would do… slight issues around funding!

      If I was to do all that, I might as well add the legs that go from San Francisco to New York via the Panama canal and Mexico, then on to Derry-Londonderry and the race finish via Holland…

  1. You get some serious kite flying in evening squalls going Aus-Singapore – you also get some great navigation thru the “car park” outside Singapore & get to navigate thru the Chinese fishing fleet. Torpical cnditions at their best

    1. Yes, I really would like to do that route… in some respects the legs I really would do are 1, 3, 5 and 6. But as my now infamous quote goes – I need to keep my legs together going around the world to save money 🙂

      So by changing, I get to do 3 of my top 4 legs, or if I stick I get 2 of the 4 but race start…

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