Fastnet Race Update… A Week On

Well, I managed to post some pictures shortly after the race start, but due to limited phone signal, no phone battery charge and camera malfunctions, I was unable to post much more from the water.

The race start lived up to expectations – lots of boats wanting the same water – but was actually less stressful than the Sydney Hobart race start back in 2015 where there were probably fewer boats but much more confined water and closer spectator boats. The IRC2 race start is shown in the video below – Winston Logic (GBR2806L) is the port tack boat entering from left of screen at 5:46 and crossing all the starboard tack boats, squeezing through πŸ˜‰

We managed to get outside of the Needles before the ‘big boats’ started to overtake us, first Rambler 88 (we were definitely pointing higher than them), soon to be followed by the Volvo Ocean Race fleet. We got a really close view of all of them… briefly… before they disappeared over the horizon.

Approaching the Needles
Rambler 88 Coming Through
Then the Volvo Ocean Boats, first Dongfeng, then Mapfre (Dad – your insurance Euros are being put to good use!)

The next three days were an upwind beat to the Fastnet Rock. Learning to live life at an angle takes a bit of adjusting to, and on a 40 foot boat there are less hand holds and places to wedge yourself than on a Clipper 70 boat! The washing up still needs to be done too, and with no salt water pump on the boat, there is only one way to carry out the task…

Washing Up Over the Transom

On every watch, we were accompanied by dolphins, and the sunsets and sunrises were worth the lack of sleep.

Sunset over Lands End
Sunset Helming

On Wednesday morning, almost 3 days after leaving Cowes, we spotted the Fastnet Rock.

Approaching the Fastnet Rock

Someone had told me that if I couldn’t touch the rock when rounding the Fastnet then I was too far away… well, I was helming the boat around the rock… and we very nearly did touch it as the wind died at the worst possible moment and the waves started pushing us closer and closer to the rock (I’m waiting for the video taken by the media helicopter to be posted…)

Too Close For Comfort? At least we got some decent pictures of the Fastnet!

Once we finally managed to extricate ourselves from the rock, it was a downwind drag race all the way back to Plymouth. The wind was pretty light at times, which made it harder to keep the boat moving and catch any of the boats ahead.

Downwind Drag (Slow) Race

As we approached Plymouth, we were treated to an amazing fireworks display as the British Fireworks Championship was timed to coincide with our arrival…

Winston Logic Crew Race Finish

We finished in an elapsed time of 4 days, 10 hours, 52 minutes and 25 seconds, coming 30th in our class (out of 64 starters)

Thanks to all the crew on board Winston Logic for a fabulous race, and for all the support provided by Sailing Logic, including the beers and Dark and Stormy’s on arrival in Plymouth!

One of our crew, Oscar Watts, put together a video of our race – he even managed to capture some of the many dolphins that escorted us on our journey.

A note for my family before I get the usual comments – sitting on the low side and ‘being heavy’ is a legitimate sailing job… just saying… πŸ˜‰ 


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