It has been more than a month since I posted Decision Time, when I was trying to decide what part of the Clipper Race to sail as it is obvious now that I will not have sufficient funds to take part in the whole circumnavigation. Changing the legs I had signed up for from the start of the race, where everything and everyone is new to the race, to joining later in the race was a really tough decision (in a nice way), but one that is easier to make before Crew Allocation that takes place this coming Saturday (11th May 2013). After this date, then there has to be spaces on the boat I am allocated to in order for me to be able to sail those legs.
My decision? Well, with a sales pitch like this from the Clipper Recruitment Manager David Cusworth, how could I not change to these legs?
Leg 3. The Southern Ocean waits for no man, or woman, and neither will the last place on this downwind adrenaline rush.
Leg 4. The magical mystery tour leg. You know you’re starting on the West coast of Oz, finishing on the East coast and fitting in an amazing stopover between. Details are being worked out and as soon as we announce those places will go. Be brave and take one now.
Leg 5. The leg that has it all. Fast downwind, light wind tropical sailing, equator crossing and then a beat in 60mph icy gales. Qingdao is the biggest and most breath-taking stopover on the race. Fact. Don’t miss out.
Leg 6. The big one. Biggest ocean. Biggest challenge. Biggest reward. Biggest memory. Golden Gate Bridge will be a welcome sight and the IPA in San Fran is tasty…
So, that works out at half a circumnavigation, at around 22,000 miles sailing. The thought of sailing the worlds biggest oceans is at times exhilarating and at other times fills me with trepidation. I think it is important to have a healthy respect for the sea, and there will undoubtably be times that I wish I was anywhere but in the middle of an ocean, but equally I think it is good to push yourself out of your comfort zone every now and then – you might be pleasantly surprised about what you are actually capable of doing. As the lyrics in ‘Sound’, one of my favourite James songs say – “Do everything you fear, in this there’s power, fear is not to be afraid of”
(If you look closely enough… you might spot me in the crowd π